उसने लड़की के रोने का कारण पूछा लड़की ने कहा मैं इस कुएं पर पानी भरने आया था जो ही मैंने तांबे का घड़ा कुएं में लटकाया रची मेरे हाथों से छूट गई जब मैंने रस्सी पकड़ने की चेष्टा की तो मेरी कीमती टोपी भी गिर गई यह सुनकर उस आदमी ने तुरंत कपड़े उतारे और कुएं में कूद गया उसने बहुत देर तक तांबे का घड़ा टोपी को देखा परंतु सब व्यर्थ था अंत में निराश होकर जब वह बाहर आया तो उसने देखा कि लड़का उसके कपड़े लेकर अदृश्य हो गया है ट्रांसलेट इन इंग्लिश
he asked a reason for why she was crying girl replied him that she was came to take water but her vase has fall down in the well the men take off his cloth and jump into the well wgen he came out he saw that the girl and his cloth was not there
Translation will be-
He asked the reason for the girl's crying. The girl said that I had come to fill water on this well, and as soon as I hung the copper pot in the well, I left my hands, and when I tried to hold the rope, my precious hat also fell. The man immediately undressed and jumped into the well. He looked at the copper pot and cap for a long time, but all was in vain. At last, when he came out disappointed, he saw that the boy had disappeared with his clothes.
- The translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by norms of a comparable target-language text.
- We were asked to translate the given sentence that was in Hindi into an English sentence.
- Hindi has been characterized as a standardized and Sanskritised register of the Hindustani language, established mainly in the Khariboli language of Delhi and neighboring North India.
- English is a West Germanic language in the Indo-European language lineage, with its firstest aspects spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England.
- Translators convert written elements from one language into another language.