Use of meteorological instruments
Meteorological instruments are the equipment used for the measurement of different weather parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, cloud cover, precipitation (rain/snow), net (incoming - outgoing) solar radiation.
Meteorological instruments are the equipment used for the measurement of different weather parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, cloud cover, precipitation (rain/snow), net (incoming - outgoing) solar radiation. Different meteorological instruments are as follows,
Thermometer - air temperature,
Barometer - air pressure,
Hygrometer - humidity,
Anemometer - wind speed,
Ceilometer - Cloud cover,
Rain/Snow gauge - precipitation
Pyranometer/ Pyrheliometer - net radiation,
Apart from these there are air quality sensor, radiosondes, ozonosondes etc for the measurement of various gas contents in a particular air column.