use the following nouns and make sentence book man month language mountain river newspaper temple road gold team teacher map animal pen
Book: Books r men's best friend
Man: Man had made much progress.
Month: From today's onwards, April month is going to be started.
Language: My mother language is Hindi.
Mountain: There r two mountains behind my village nd I can see both of them clearly.
River: This River was very clear but now it had become dirty due to the factory that is made beside it.
Newspaper: Newspaper give us detailed nd full information.
Temple: My granny visit to Temple daily.Road: My city has clear nd pakka road.
Gold: She had already done a gold loan.
Team: Our Indian Cricket team is very powerful.
Teacher: Today our Maths teacher is absent.
Map: Bring ur Indian political map tommorow.
Animal: Do not kill animals. They r also a living being like us but the difference is that they can't speak.
Pen: I hadn't brought my pen today.
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