use your observation to prepare for a classroom discussion on theme of "being human". Use three C's in discussion .
The age old question of what it means to be human can be answered through many viewpoints. There are several specie specific qualities that differentiate humans from any other creature, but with that being said, humans are often compared and contrasted with animals and machines. Some of these specific qualities are the ability to interpret, free will, and the use of language, but what does it really mean to be human? Everything created has specie specific qualities. Human beings are closely linked to animals because of the similarities of these specie specific qualities, but these alone do not make humans animals or animals humans. While there are quite a few characteristics that are similar there are enormous differences. One is…show more content…
At most another gorilla could imitate and mock. Speech is the only medium capable of expressing and dissembling historical time. It is the most complex reality of human action and behavior. Speech usually isn't mastered until adulthood because there are so many rules and regulations to follow. In the book of Genesis when it speaks of man being made in the image of God, what is seen is that just as God created the earth, we can give form to the formless. We can make a date with another, and we can plan to do something at a certain time. Humans unlike any other creature can describe an exciting experience, or tell a scary story. Through speech we can say, "I don't know," which is the first step to gaining understanding and knowledge. Humans are more than just mere creatures of nature because of the art of remembering, recalling, and through language either written or spoken. Aside from the biological image, humans have also been seen to be like a machine. The mechanical image started when there was a boom in technology; around the time robots came about. Some say that man is like a machine in the sense that man is a complex system behaving in lawful ways. Because of physics, it is a known fact that all things have their own distinct features according to a finite number of fixed laws. Everything happens according to strict forces controlled by the universe. So humans, like machines are programmed by a higher being. While everything does have certain laws .
Born as ahuman is gift of god don't waste it . Enjoy every moment of life .