Uses of plane mirror!!!!!!!! and concave lens
Plain Mirror
- periscopes
- kaleidoscopes
- mirror tiles
- SLR camera
Concave lens
- Glasses
- Camera
- Flashlights
- Binoculars
➻ Plane mirror are use to see ourselves. The mirror on our dressing tae and in bathrooms are plane mirrors.
➻ Plane mirror are fixed on the inside walls of certain shops (like jewellery shops) to make them look bigger.
➻ Plane mirror are fixed at blind turns of some busy roads so that drivers can see the vehicles coming from the other side and prevent accidents.
➻ Plane mirrors are used to making Periscopes.
➻ Concave lens are used in spectacles to correct the defect of vision called myopia (or short-sightedness).
➻ Concave lens is used as eye-lens in Galilean telescope.
➻ Concave lenses are used in combination with convex lenses to make high quality lens system for optical instruments.
➻ Concave lens is used in wide-angle spyhole in doors.