Using appropriate scale, design a 1000 metres, 6 lane racing track, assuming that straight lines of rectangle are 300 metres each, and that each lane is 2 metres in width. Calculate the distance covered by athlete in the innermost lane? How will you place the staggers?
The Distance between Each Staggers is 8 Meter
Step-by-step explanation:
As shown in the Figure attached,
The Line Yellow FF' is the Finishing Line in the Race Track.
Apart from that the arrows shows the direction of running/staggers in the track.
- The Distance between each of the staggers is 8 meters (Width is 2 meters).
The reason for doing this is to avoid the confusion of extra running.
- If any racer say
running in track 1 (100 meters) then the second racer
will need to travel 8 meters extra, totaling 1008 meters and further for rest all too.
- This is happening since we've kept the track width as 2 meters, which makes in increment in the distance increment of 4 times for every next racer.
i.e. (2 meters 4 = 8m)

The distance covered by athlete in the innermost lane is 8m, Staggers should be placed in a line.
Step-by-step explanation:
Suppose each racer track is of 8m
If each lane of the staggers in the Width is 2 meters.
Then any racer say running in track 1 which can be of 1000 meters, then the second athlete will need to travel 8 meters extra, which is 1008 meters and and similarly for other athlete
This happened because of the width of track as 2 meters, which makes in increment in the distance of 4 times for every next racer.
i.e. 2 meters X 4 = 8m
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Formula of distance, what is distance