Using the di ts 1,2,3,4 only once to form 4 digit number , how
many of them are divisible by 11?
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Step-by-step explanation:
For number to be divisible by 11 sum of alternate digits must be equal.
If 1 is in thousands place possible numbers 1243 , 1342
If 1 is in hundreds place possible numbers 2134 , 3124
If 1 is in tens place possible numbers 4312 , 4213
If 1 is in units place possible numbers 3421 , 2431
8 without repetition
Repetition is allowed
aaaa-1111,2222,3333,4444 ……… 4 Cases
aabb- 1122,2244………………. 4x3 = 12 cases
abba-1221,2332,4114,………. 4x3 = 12 Cases
abac- 2123, 3212, 2321, 1232 4 Cases
32 more with repetition
So total = 8+32=40
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