English, asked by charanrider561, 10 months ago

(v) We value our freedom ..... all else​


Answered by dilipanravichandran


In this country and throughout the world, we value Freedom. It is on this subject that I want to share some thoughts with you, in whose company I am happy to be today. For us Freedom has a broad meaning, and with it many obligations.

Freedom is not a simple matter of doing what we want to do, and having fun; although some may think so, for a while at least.. Freedom cannot just be viewed from a personal standpoint, for we will upset others by selfishly pursuing our own desires. Freedom IS freedom from bondage and exploitation. It is a state in which we may grow and learn, be nourished, and in which we may develop our talents, and explore life and the world in its many dimensions. This is what we want for ourselves, for our families, our friends and neighbors, our country, the world...

Freedom is an ideal that in the minds of a growing number of people should be extended to the animals. We are saddened at the plight of so many of our fellow creatures, shamed that they are imprisoned and slaughtered to provide food for the table, dismayed at their loss of habitat caused by the expanding demands of the human population, and distraught at the many other abuses inflicted upon them in the name of science, entertainment, and so forth.

hope this is helpful

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