Computer Science, asked by rjnsri1977, 1 month ago

व्हाट इज द डेफिनेशन ऑफ कम्युनिकेशन बाय एंटन चौहान और डैम इज द डेफिनेशन ऑफ अ पर्सन ऑफ पर्सन बिजनेस प्रोडक्ट गवर्नमेंट डिसीजन और नेशनइन इंग्लिश


Answered by MrsGoodGirl

A bus network is a network topology in which nodes are directly connected to a common half-duplex link called a bus. A host on a bus network is called a station. In a bus network, every station will receive all network traffic, and the traffic generated by each station has equal transmission priority.

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