व्हाट इस को रोशन डिस्क्राइब द फैक्टर्स विच अफेक्ट को रोशन एंड मैसेज टू प्रिवेंट फ्रॉम को रोशन[
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Disability and the Environment
In the past four decades the prevailing wisdom about the cause of disability has undergone profound change. Previous models of absolute determinism that viewed pathology and disability interchangeably and that excluded consideration of the environment have been replaced by models in which disability is seen to result from the interaction between the characteristics of individuals with potentially disabling conditions and the characteristics of their environment.
The 1991 version of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) model of disability did not explicitly identify the environment as a factor in disability. Building upon the model presented in Chapter 3, this chapter considers in some depth the ways that the environment can be either enabling or disabling for a person with a pathological condition.
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