English, asked by adityaverma68, 1 year ago

विटामिन के किस कमी से होती है​


Answered by nandinisahu57920

Because of the blood circulation

Explanation: If I wrong sorry

adityaverma68: answer is wrong
Answered by aaditya1590

Vitamin K is a group of structurally similar, fat-soluble vitamins that the human body requires for complete synthesis of certain proteins that are prerequisites for blood coagulation (K from Koagulation, German for "coagulation") and which the body also needs for controlling binding of calcium in bones and other tissues.[1] The vitamin K-related modification of the proteins allows them to bind calcium ions, which they cannot do otherwise. Without vitamin K, blood coagulation is seriously impaired, and uncontrolled bleeding occurs. Preliminary clinical research indicates that deficiency of vitamin K may weaken bones, potentially leading to osteoporosis, and may promote calcification of arteries and other soft tissues.[1]

adityaverma68: wrong answer
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