विद्यालय की बॉस्केटबॉल टीम द्वारा 10 मैचों में प्राप्त अंक नंबर थे 10128 9-11-19 13020 22 मैच के अंगों की माध्यिका बताओ
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Brainly is a Polish education technology company based in Kraków, Poland, with headquarters in New York City. It provides a peer-to-peer learning platform for students, parents, and teachers to ask and answer homework questions. ... It encourages users to engage in the online community by answering other users' questions.
Step-by-step explanation:
Declarative Sentence (statement)
Declarative sentences make a statement. They tell us something. They give us information, and they normally end with a full-stop/period.
The usual word order for the declarative sentence is:
subject + verb...
Declarative sentences can be positive or negative. Look at these examples:
positive negative
I like coffee. I do not like coffee.
We watched TV last night. We did not watch TV last night.
Declarative sentences are the most common type of sentence.
2. Interrogative Sentence (question)
Interrogative sentences ask a question. They ask us something. They want information, and they always end with a question mark.
The usual word order for the interrogative sentence is:
(wh-word +) auxiliary + subject + verb...
Interrogative sentences can be positive or negative. Look at these examples:
positive negative
Do you like coffee? Don't you like coffee?
Why did you go? Why didn't you go?
3. Imperative Sentence (command)
Imperative sentences give a command. They tell us to do something, and they end with a full-stop/period (.) or exclamation mark/point (!).