Hindi, asked by kiranbhatt1981, 1 year ago

vaakh meaning brief............................


Answered by harinarayan1981



वह {vah} = THAT(Adjective)

Usage : Get that pen.


वह {vah} = IT(Noun)

उदाहरण : वह एक पक्षी है ।

Usage : IT IS A BIRD


वह {vah} = HE(Pronoun)

Usage : He is a greedy man.


वे {ve} = THEY(Pronoun)

Usage : They went for a pilgrimage to Badrinath.


वट {vaT} = BANYAN(Noun)

उदाहरण : वट वृक्ष banyan tree


वन {van} = FOREST(Noun)


वह {vah} = SHE(Noun)


वे {ve} = THOSE(Pronoun)

Usage : Those roses are bewitching.


वह {vah} = THE(Determiner)

Usage : This is the picture which we saw yesterday.

The girl is playing in the garden.


वन {van} = WOOD(Noun)

Usage : metal woods are now standard


वर {var} = PROMISE(Noun)

उदाहरण : दशरथ ने खुश होके कैकयी को २ वर दिये थे।

Usage : there is little or no promise that he will recover


वन {van} = WON(Noun)


वर {var} = MATCH(Noun)

Usage : he always carries matches to light his pipe


वन {van} = TIMBER(Noun)


वन {van} = TIMBERLAND(Noun)


वन {van} = WOODS(Noun)


वे {ve} = WEI(Noun)


वी {vi} = V(Noun)


वय {vay} = AGE(Noun)

Usage : Rams age is ten years.

Ram left school at the age of ten years

Rajiv died at an early age

People in the age group of 20-30 are eligible for the post

Hari has matured with age.


वा {va} = WAUGH(Noun)


वजह {vajah} = CAUSE(Noun)

Usage : they are trying to determine the cause of the crash



उदाहरण : मुझे वहम है की तुम बहुत बुरे हो


वचन {vachan} = PROMISE(Noun)

उदाहरण : इसने इतना बड़ा सौदा होने का वचन नहीं किया था।

Usage : It didn't promise to be such a big deal.


वाई {vaI} = Y(Noun)


वंश {vanash} = PARENTAGE(Noun)


वही {vahi} = THE(Noun)


वीर {vir} = COURAGEOUS(Adjective)

Usage : He was awarded with gold medal for his courageous work.


वैध {vaidh} = LEGITIMATE(Adjective)

Usage : His claim to the property is absolutely legitimate.

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