Vad är det för skillnader mellan riksdagen och kommun i Sverige?
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The Riksdag :
The Riksdag is responsible for passing laws in Sweden. Decisions taken by the Riksdag apply throughout the country. This means that the Riksdag takes decisions at the national level. If the Riksdag takes a decision about schools, it may, for example, concern central government funding to education and how this is distributed. The Riksdag does not decide whether or not a particular school is to be closed, or whether an upper-secondary school is to start charging for school dinners. This is the task of the individual municipalities.
The municipalities :
Sweden has 290 municipalities. They are responsible for many of the public services where we live. These include pre-schools, schools, social services and elderly care. Each municipality has a municipal council. In the municipal councils, a body of local politicians takes decisions regarding the municipality. The decisions may, for example, concern the construction of a new public swimming pool or a new pre-school.