Variable related to impact of motivation and job satisfaction to work performance in kmml
The term Motivation is used to refer to a positive behaviour, exhibited by an individual towards his work, instigated by his activities, longings and wants. Motivation exerts serious effect on the behaviour of an individual [6]. According to Maehr and Meyer (1997), “Motivation is a word that is part of the popular culture as few other psychological concepts are”. Motivation stimulates, rejuvenates, guides and endures the conduct and performance of individuals [14].
Any business cannot sustain without good and committed employees as it is they who significantly contribute to the business gaining competitive advantage over its competitors [5], [10]. Loyal and motivated employees attain utmost satisfaction in their job and hence, strive hard to ensure that their organization attains all its goals [17].
Motivation binds the employees to their organization, boosting their morale and loyalty, thus diminishing the rate of labour turnover [23]. Motivated employees put in their best for attainment of organizational goals [21].
Magnitude of motivation can be measured based on the degree of attachment displayed by employees to their organization [1]. Catering to basic needs may act as a good motivator for some employees [11] while challenging work environment, good inter-personal and supervisory relationships and supportive top management might motivate other set of employees [9]. Such motivated employees work with vigour and excitement, resulting in good degree of job satisfaction [13].
Job satisfaction has been a subject of interest for psychologists and management practitioners for distant past and recently, economists have also started getting interested in it [24]. Job satisfaction is a function of employees liking to come to work and how they get enforced to perform their jobs [18]. It is an outcome of work environment superseding their expectations and fulfilling their requirements [4]. A worker who has contributed his maximum to the organization attaining its goals become fully satisfied with his job [12]. Job satisfaction leads to motivation among employees while it can also be said that motivated employees attain utmost job satisfaction [19]. Many authors such as Aswathappa (2003) have propagated that monetary rewards and wage payments motivate employees to attain utmost job satisfaction, which significantly contribute to increasing performance and productivity [25], [7]; [8]. Job satisfaction among employees might contribute to customer satisfaction [3]. To survive in this highly competitive globalized market, it is indispensable to ensure quality production at minimum cost, which can be best accomplished only through motivated, skilled and satisfied labour fleet [22].
Considering the importance of motivation and job satisfaction for the success of any organisation, an attempt has been made in this study to assess the level of job satisfaction and motivation prevalent among employees of Sundaram Fosteners Limited (SFL), Puducherry, and the impact likely to be exerted by motivation on job satisfaction of the employees.
To assess the level of job satisfaction among the employeesof SFL
To assess the level of motivation among the employees ofSFL.
To assess the impact of motivation on job satisfaction ofSFL employees.
The proposed study is Descriptive in nature, based on primary data collected by administering a well structured interview schedule. The schedule consists of questions relating to the demographic profile of the workers while 14 statements have been used to assess the level of motivation and job satisfaction prevalent among the employees, who are supposed to indicate their level of agreement to these statements in a Likert’s five point scale, ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. The sample frame for the study is SFL, Puducherry, while the employees of this company have been taken as the Universe for this study. The sample technique used is Simple Random Sampling while the Sample size is 100. The data collected were suitably represented in tabular and diagrammatic forms and analysed using the Statistical software of SPSS, LISREL and Smart PLS, employing the statistical tools of Mean, Cluster analysis, Correspondence analysis, Anova, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Regression.
Motivation exerts significant positive impact on job satisfaction of employees. To test this hypothesis, job satisfaction and motivation have been considered as dependent and independent variables respectively.
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