English, asked by mandasamse1982, 9 months ago

VERBAL TO NONVERBAL: Given below ia a time table for children in a boarding school. Show the details in chronological oder on a flow chart. You are supposed to wake up at 5:30 a.m.every day and lights- out time is 9;30p.m.Siesta time is between 1&2 in the afternoon. Asembly begins at 8 a.m.sharp in the school hall.You have to re -port to your House Prefect by 7:30a.m.on all school days.You may play game between 4 and 6 p.m.You must not be late for study time which is between 6 & 8 in the evening.School timings are from 8:30a.m.to 3:30 p.m. with an hour long lunch break at 1 p.m. ​


Answered by Anonymous

There's a myth that says that when you speaks only 35 percent of your communication is verbal and 65 percent of it is nonverbal .That's not entirely true bcz so much depends on the context and situations. It is however absolutely true .that nonverbal communication can make or break your message

Hope is helps you ☺☺

Answered by vijayamore492

show in details chronological order in the form of timetable

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