very urgent please fast

Given number is
can be rewritten as
To find the multiplicative inverse,
Let we recall the definition of Multiplicative inverse,
Let x be any non zero real number, then by what number it should be multiplied to get 1, that number is called Multiplicative inverse of x.
Or in other words, if x is non - zero real number, then its multiplicative inverse is 1/x.
So, here given number is
Let its multiplicative inverse be x
To find the Additive inverse,
Let we recall the definition of Additive inverse,
Let x be any real number, then what number should be added to x, to get 0, that number is called Additive inverse of x.
Or in other words, if x is any real number, then its additive inverse is - x.
So, here given number is
Let its additive inverse be x.