victory is the main objective of one's life for the motion
Chapter 13 The Personal Victory
We, the people, currently control everything that needs to be changed in order to build a more sustainable, higher quality of life, for us as individuals as well as for society as a whole. But, more importantly, we have the power to change our own lives. As individuals, we may not be able to see how we can bring about the changes we would like to see in government or in the broader economy or society; but, we know we can change ourselves. For most of us at least, our individual lives could be made far better if we would simply �step off of the treadmill, get out of the rat race,� and start living a life of harmony and balance. Our common sense tells us that more cheap stuff will not make us happy.
We need stronger, more harmonious relationships with other people � within our families, our communities, and our nations. We live in a society where mental depression has become epidemic. The fundamental cause of mental depression is failed relationships. Certainly some are depressed due to physical disabilities, but most are depressed because they lack positive human relationships. Most of us are not starving, we have adequate clothing and shelter, and we have adequate transportation and healthcare -- we do not want for the basic physical needs. We could quite likely improve our quality of life by spending a good bit more time and effort on building positive relationships with other people.
We also have the power to reclaim the are the others. But, most simply offer different arrangement of pretty much the same basic principles, values, thoughts, and actions.
Many such books offer the old tried and true values of industrial era thinking, with victory defined as material success. They focus on telling us how to become wealthy � in the corporate world, in the stock market, through individual entrepreneurship, or though the power of personal relationships. Invariably, they suggest some variation to the old linear sequential industrial process. They exhort us to assess our opportunities, set goals, develop measurable objectives, develop a plan, devise a strategy, make decisions, take actions, monitor progress, and make strategic course corrections until we achieve our objectives. When all of our objectives are achieved, we will have achieved our goal.
It doesn�t seem to matter whether the goal is to become a self-made millionaire by the time you�re thirty or to marry a rich husband or wife, the road to success is pretty much the same. Know where you are today, know where you want to go, have a rational plan for getting there, and then proceed through a logical, sequential process until you reach your destination. For years, I taught this same basic information on uc topic ebook risen rahul NnnnnnnnnNN r