Vienna conference was held in 1815 for what purpose? 1815 में वियना कांग्रेस किस उद्देश्य से आयोजित की गयी ? *
1 point
To declare war against France /फ्रांस के विरूद्ध युद्ध की घोसना के लिए
To start the process of Italian Unification / इटली के एकीकरण की प्रक्रिया की शुरुआत के लिए
To restore conservative regime in Europe / यूरोप में रूडीवाड़ी शासन की स्थापना
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To restore conservative regime in Europe.
- Vienna congress was a meeting of leaders from nations in Europe following the defeat of Napoleon.
- The purpose of this meeting was to restore Europe to its pre-revolution conditions as it was before Napoleon began the war in Europe.
- It also prevented future wars and revolutions in Europe.
- It tried to restore the regime by controlling the rise of liberalism and nationalism spreading throughout Europe.
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When was the Vienna conference held? Who were the main powers tattended? What were the main decision of the conference
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