‘Villages in India have adopted modern methods of agriculture and there is a sharp increase in food grain production’. Explain the statement.
As per 2016, agriculture employed 49.9% of the Indian work force and contributed 16.9–17.9% to country's GDP. In 2016, agriculture and allied sectors like animal husbandry, forestry and fisheries accounted for 15.4% of the GDP (gross domestic product) with about 31% of the workforce in 2014.
Farmers are using more and more of the below which makes our Agriculture more efficient and yield greater harvest.
HYV Seeds: High Yielding Variety seeds
Pesticides: To protect the crops from pets
Fertilizers: to provide micro and macro nutrients to the plants which are not available in the soil
Machines: in sowing, tilling, harvesting
Storage: use of warehouses, cold storage
Cropping pattern: Mix different crops or rotate crops throughout the season
Irrigation: Canal, pumps, tubes, etc.