India Languages, asked by sarjz, 1 year ago

Vitamin and mineral are protective food. How?​


Answered by mamtasolanki2121975



{Definition|TopMargin=10px|Vitamins are substances which are needed in small amounts in the body for cellular metabolism.}} They are divided into two broad groups based on whether they dissolve in water or fat. Vitamins which dissolve in water are called water-soluble vitamins and those that dissolve in fat are called fat soluble vitamins.

Water soluble vitmins Fat soluble vitamins

vitamin A vitamin C is also called ascorbic acid

vitamin D vitamin B complex, a number of B vitamin including;

vitamin E vitamin B1 Thiamin

vitamin K vitamin B2 Riboflavin

vitamin B3 Niacin

vitamin B6


Another group of protective nutrients is minerals. They are divided into two groups. The macro minerals and the micro minerals or trace minerals.

The minerals in our bodies are in the form of ions which can carry electrical charges. Minerals therefore help in the maintenance of fluid balance, transmission of fluid balance, transmission of nerve impulses and contraction of muscle.


Vitamins and minerals are important because they help to keep the body healthy by regulating body processes and helping the body to produce substances that fight disease causing agents.

They are mostly found in fruits and vegetables, cereals and animal foods.

Vitamins help in energy metabolism when foods are not properly cooked the water soluble vitamins are lost vegetables should be handled well during meal preparation to avoid loss of vitamins.

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