Study the following words under 'Archaism' carefully and write their modern
equivalent given in the box.
evening cruel simple/innocent scarcely father the past
to think/believe to live at a place perhaps performed
Archaism (Outdated words)
Modern Equivalent
1. scarce (Adverb)
2. silly
3. sire
4. olden times
5. monstrous
6. eve
7. dwell
8. deem
9. fared(v)
10. perchance
here is your answer
abroad out of doors
accouchement birthing
advertisement a notice to readers in a book
afeard/afeared frightened
affright frighten (someone)
ague malaria or a similar illness
aliment food; nourishment
ambuscade an ambush
animalcule a microscopic animal
apothecary a person who prepared and sold medicine
appetency a longing or desire
assay attempt
asunder apart
audition the power of hearing
aught anything at all
avaunt go away
bane poison
baseborn of low birth or social standing
bedlam an asylum
behold see or observe
behoof benefit or advantage
beldam an old woman
bethink oneself of remember; recollect
betimes in good time; early
bibliopole a dealer in books
bijoux jewellery; trinkets
billow a large sea wave
blackguard a scoundrel
blow produce flowers or be in flower
bodkin a dagger
bootless (of a task) ineffectual; useless
breech a person's buttocks
bridewell a prison or reform school for petty offenders