English, asked by 20170300081, 6 months ago

Vocabulary - Homonyms
Homonyms are words which have the same spelling and
pronunciation, but have different meanings or origin.
grave = adjective meaning 'very serious
grave = noun meaning' a place of burial
• Find one of these words in the text.​


Answered by hasteepatel5

hey mate here is ur answer

brake/break: When teaching my daughter how to drive, I told her if she didn't hit the brake in time she would break the car's side mirror.

cell/sell: If you sell drugs, you will get arrested and end up in a prison cell.

cent/scent: I won't spend one cent on a bottle of perfume until I know that I love the scent.

die/dye: If you accidentally drank a bottle of fabric dye, you might die.

flour/flower: To bake a flower-shaped cake, you’ll need some flour.

for/four: I purchased four new pairs of shoes for my upcoming vacation.

heal/heel: If the heel breaks on your shoe, you might fall. However, your injuries will heal over time.

hear/here: I wanted to sit here so I could hear the singer performing without any distractions.

hour/our: We have one hour before our appointment with the real estate agent.

idle/idol: Being idle makes me unhappy, but listening to my idol Taylor Swift makes me happy.

knight/night: The knight is on his way to the castle, but traveling at night is very dangerous.

knot/not: I do not know how she learned to tie the knot to make that necklace.

I hope it will help you out

please mark as brainliest answer

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