Computer Science, asked by jayxsingh, 1 year ago

void main()
{ char ch = 'A' ;
fstream fileout("data.dat", ios :: app) ;
fileout <<ch;
int p = fileout.tellg();
cout <<p;

Q.What is the output if the file content before the execution of the program is the string "ABC"
(Note that " " are not part of the file).
[CBSE OD 06]
Ans. 4

I need an explanation on how to get this output. ​


Answered by aartisahu68


you got the answer 4. ok


as the append function is used in the program which means it displays the output after the one that is already showing on the console screen ,

also tellg() function tells the current position of the pointer,

as ABC is already printed on screen , the position of pointer is 3 after printing the character A it will become 4

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