English, asked by priyankauikey967, 6 months ago

wander of science Chhota karke​


Answered by nishitha4


It is the age of science. There are many wonders of science. It has made our life easier & comfortable (आसान एवं आरामदायक) . Science plays an important role in our daily life. It has made dreams & imaginations (सपने और कल्‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍पनाओ) of man true. By observation of simple events, man has invented great things. Science is nothing but a systematic ( व्‍यवस्थित )way of knowledge & living.

Scientific Inventions – Scientist have invented several things & machines big & small through the observation (अवलोकन) of very simple events water boiling in a cattle has given us the idea of railway engine ,falling of an apple from a tree has helped Newton to discover the law of gravity. Electricity is the greatest invention of man,” It serves us in hundreds & thousands of ways it runs our trains, Mills & factories. Electricity cools & keeps our house warm. Modern life is impossible without electricity. Many scientific inventions have made our life very comfortable. Electricity is the greatest invention of science. It serves us in many ways. Modern life is impossible without these scientific inventions.


Hope it helps you

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