WAP in python to input username and password and to check whether the input are correct or not.
# Python 3.4.3. Using MacOS (Version 10.12.5)
# Username and Password...
# The programs purpose: A user must enter the correct username and password for a site called FaceSnap...
# The correct username is elmo and the correct password is blue.
userName = input("Hello! Welcome to FaceSnap! \n\nUsername: ") #Ask's the User for Username input
password = input("Password: ") # Ask's the user for their password
count = 0 # Create a variable, to ensure the user has limited attempts at entering their correct username and password
count += 1 # The user has already had one attempt above, therefore count has been incremented by 1 already.
while userName == userName and password == password: # The Input will always lead to this while loop, so we can see if their username and password is wrong or correct.
if count == 3: # Counter, to make sure the user only gets a limited number (3)of attempts
print("\nThree Username and Password Attempts used. Goodbye") # Lets the user know they have reached their limit
break # Leave the Loop and the whole program
elif userName == 'elmo' and password == 'blue': # The userName and password is equal to 'elmo' and 'blue', which is correct, they can enter FaceSnap!
print("Welcome! ") # Welcomes the User, the username and password is correct
break # Leave the loop and the whole program as the username and passowrd is correct
elif userName != 'elmo' and password != 'blue': # The userName and password is NOT equal to 'elmo' and 'blue', the user cannot enter FaceSnap
print("Your Username and Password is wrong!") # Lets the user know that the Username and password entered is wrong.
userName = input("\n\nUsername: ") # Requests the user to have another attempt at entering their correct username
password = input("Password: ") # Requests the user to have another attempt at entering their correct password
count += 1 # Increments the count by 1
continue # Continue, as the user hasn't managed to get their username and password correct yet
elif userName == 'elmo' and password != 'blue': # The userName is equal to 'elmo', but password is NOT equal to 'blue', the user cannot enter FaceSnap
print("Your Password is wrong!") # Lets the user know that their password is wrong
userName = input("\n\nUsername: ") # Requests the user to have another attempt at entering their correct username
password = input("Password: ") # Requests the user to have another attempt at entering their correct password
count += 1 # increments the count by 1
continue # Continue, as the user hasn't managed to get their username and password correct yet
elif userName != 'elmo' and password == 'blue': # The userName is NOT equal to 'elmo', however password is equal to 'blue', the user cannot enter FaceSnap
print("Your Username is wrong!") # Lets the user know that their username is wrong
userName = input("\n\nUsername: ") # Requests the user to have another attempt at entering their correct username
password = input("Password: ") # Requests the user to have another attempt at entering their correct password
count += 1 # Increments the count by 1
continue # Continue, as the user hasn't managed to get their username and password correct yet