WAP to input a five digit number and print product of its first and second last digits
Well you need to specify the program language,
Alright imma give the program in 6 languages
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Find the first digit
int firstDigit(int n)
// Remove last digit from number
// till only one digit is left
while (n >= 10)
n /= 10;
// return the first digit
return n;
// Find the last digit
int lastDigit(int n)
// return the last digit
return (n % 10);
// Driver program
int main()
int n = 98562;
cout << firstDigit(n) << " "
<< lastDigit(n) << endl;
return 0;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class GfG{
// Find the first digit
public static int firstDigit(int n)
// Remove last digit from number
// till only one digit is left
while (n >= 10)
n /= 10;
// return the first digit
return n;
// Find the last digit
public static int lastDigit(int n)
// return the last digit
return (n % 10);
// driver function
public static void main(String argc[])
int n = 98562;
System.out.println(firstDigit(n) + " "
+ lastDigit(n));