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Describe the functions of the organalles a plant cell.
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Cell Organelles Structure
Cell membrane A double membrane composed of lipids and proteins. Present both in plant and animal cell. Provides shape, protects the inner organelle of the cell and acts as a selectively permeable membrane.
Centrosomes Composed of Centrioles and found only in the animal cells. It plays a major role in organizing the microtubule and Cell division.
Chloroplasts Present only in plant cells and contains a green-coloured pigment known as chlorophyll. Sites of photosynthesis.
Cytoplasm A jelly-like substance, which consists of water, dissolved nutrients and waste products of the cell. Responsible for the cell’s metabolic activities.
Endoplasmic Reticulum A network of membranous tubules, present within the cytoplasm of a cell. Forms the skeletal framework of the cell, involved in the Detoxification, production of Lipids and proteins.
Golgi apparatus Membrane-bound, sac-like organelles, present within the cytoplasm of the eukaryotic cells. It is mainly involved in secretion and intracellular transport.
Lysosomes A tiny, circular-shaped, single membrane-bound organelles, filled with digestive enzymes. Helps in the digestion and removes wastes and digests dead and damaged cells. Therefore, it is also called as the “suicidal bags”.
Mitochondria An oval-shaped, membrane-bound organelle, also called as the “Power House of The Cell”. The main sites of cellular respiration and also involved in storing energy in the form of ATP molecules.
Nucleus A largest, double membrane-bound organelles, which contains all the cell’s genetic information. Controls the activity of the cell, helps in cell division and controls the hereditary characters.
Peroxisome A membrane-bound cellular organelle present in the cytoplasm, which contains the reducing enzyme. Involved in the metabolism of lipids and catabolism of long-chain fatty acids.
Plastids Double membrane-bound organelles. There are 3 types of plastids:
Leucoplast –Colourless plastids.
Chromoplast–Blue, Red, and Yellow colour plastids.
Chloroplast – Green coloured plastids.
Helps in the process of photosynthesis and pollination, Imparts colour for leaves, flowers and fruits and stores starch, proteins and fats.
Ribosomes Non-membrane organelles, found floating freely in the cell’s cytoplasm or embedded within the endoplasmic reticulum. Involved in the Synthesis of Proteins.
Vacuoles A membrane-bound, fluid-filled organelle found within the cytoplasm. Provide shape and rigidity to the plant cell and helps in digestion, excretion, and storage of substances.