English, asked by purvi970, 9 months ago

Was Erik alive when Grandpa planted the oak tree? How can you tell? (Learning to communicate class 6 section 2)


Answered by vyshnav


answer is below


Jay´s father has blossomed into a beautiful living oak tree in the Green Mountains of Vermont. He expressed that he found solace in having his father planted in a natural setting, one that fit in line with his spirit and his soul. Jay´s motivation was also to create new life, and ultimately because he felt a sense of closure and peace that did not come from planting in a cemetery. While we could write up more, we think it´s best to let Jay tell you what he thinks himself:

My ultimate goal is to place family and pets in bios urns and in the same field so I can always spend time with my family in a place I know and love. Some people go to church, but I find peace and tranquility and strength in nature. Long story short, I never wanted to lose my father, but it is part of life. What I can and did change was where and how I laid him to rest. He loved my family property and eventually planned on living up there, so not only did his dream come true, but I get to spend a lot more time with him then if he was in a cemetery. Thank you for letting me share my story and hopefully people will see and be inspired that even with death, you can create new life and an environment to keep your relationship with your loved one alive and well. In a few years I’ll be able to hang my hammock out there and just swing in the breeze with my dad by my side and watching over me.

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