Waste to wealth introduction 200 words
Urban and rural areas of India produce so much garbage daily and suffering by many types of pollutions which are increasing very fast in terms of area and environment. Most of households of urban area are not using dustbin or not getting facilities to put their domestic garbage and they through on the road and way. This activity is change into bad habit because of lack of facilities and knowledge. People are suffering from air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution even they involve to through the garbage anywhere. People want their neat and clean environment even they don’t know how to get it. In these days people are using plastics and it is become a part of a life, which produce the chemical poisons. Many hazardous waste in urban comes from industries and factories also which are the release so many harmful chemical but another side we have recycle units are converting in the useful elements. In the rural area farmers are also involve to use the chemical fertilizers so land is becoming unproductive land. Another thing plastic products are also dominating in the rural area and cause of degrading land and rural cattle also are eating this that’s why cattle’s death happening in the rural area. Because of environment affect it is necessary to protect and change the behavior of people. We need to change our habits and protect our health, well-being by providing reasonable measures and information for re-use and reducing the consumption of plastics and throwing the garbage outsides.
In the cities households are wasting food and plastics and throw on the road and some places and in the colonies and real-states colonies households don’t have option to separate their domestic garbage so they use to put in one plastic bag and put on municipal-party garbage-bin. Reducing, reusing, recycling and recovering of waste behavior can make changes our environment. Through this concept it may treating and safely disposing of waste and it is possible to prevent the pollution and ecological degradation. Through the waste our youth can get employment and can promote the economic and social development. In this activity so many people are under the target and focus group, which may become beneficiary and part of this program. In many states have rag-pickers in various places that are involving to collect the garbage and part of our social and economic situation. They are not aware about their health because of financial problem and education. Involve the rag-pickers and unemployed youth, it is possible to promote and ensuring the effective delivery of waste from household and they will pay some amount of services in weekly or monthly. In this service households will get two separate bin for plastics and food wastage and unemployed youth can get employment with through promotion.
Food waste should not be waste which can be converting into compost and vermi-compost, and farmers can get bio-fertilizers or manure with low price and collaboration with recycler industries, rag-pickers can get good amount and better living standard. In this program public place and productive land will be clean from waste and secure from contamination