Biology, asked by Zuha, 1 year ago

wat type of solution is blood ?

Anonymous: zuha u want either it is yrue solution or suspension
Anonymous: zuha
Zuha: yah i jst wanna know wat type of solution is blood true suspen or collaidal ?
Anonymous: its a collidal solution
Likun45: I'm going with NOT a colloid. Particle sizes in its constitution & separation on standing disqualify blood. More likely, blood is a suspension. Some of the elements that separate from blood (plasma, for example) are colloids just as some (0.9% NS) are crystalloids.
Anonymous: but beam of doesnt scatter hroughit


Answered by Likun45


Anonymous: hey but its wrong
Likun45: wat is wrong?
Anonymous: hey 1 min
Anonymous: see like this its wrong
Answered by ananya07
Isotonic with human blood plasma.

Likun45: it also contains himoglobin,plasama
Likun45: sorry ''plasma''
ananya07: s but d q is wat type of liquid is blood
Anonymous: not liquid solution
ananya07: is my ans right julie
Anonymous: no coz she asked onky collidal solutio or suspension
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