English, asked by harshsrivastav1509, 1 year ago

Water is one of the most precious gift of nature,But it worth and over-exploit this resource. write an article for your school magazine urging the fellow students to save water


Answered by Janani7305

Water a precious gem of our lives..

Sanna, head reporter

As we all know that water is the one of the element in the world that is precious as our lives. Without water no one can live in this world. It is a worthful and a valuable gift of the nature that no one can forget its importance in our lives.

But the present world and its people have forgotten its importance and value and started to over exploit it. This matter is a very high critic that the world is facing presently. Most of us know that the rivers and fresh water bodies are almost unclean and are being drained by us. We humans didnt stop there but continued by mixing drainage outlets of factories, industries, household domestic wastes and many more.

All these incidents are happening from a long period of time where the people are facing crises like lack of water and drinking unclean and unsafe water. They are ready to spoil their own life just to drink the water even if it is not clean.

So at last I would like to conclude that after all such awareness of still all these incidents continue then our future won't be able to see water. We may have heard that our parents have seen water in large bodies, we have seen it in rivers and ponds, small lakes. But we should ensure that our children and their future should see them not in bottles or cups but in large oceans. So please do try to start conserving water to live our life.

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