We all are well known by the efforts and struggle of our fathers. The one who sometimes rather not shows his love but is the world most precious gift.
We can't describe his efforts and affection in words. But here with a small try you can give a beautiful poem for your father.
Write a beautiful poem for your father showing your love towards them.

Here's your answer!!
❣ My dad, for me is like a super hero. He loves me still like I'm a small kid. I love him because he cares a lot about me and makes me happy in the worst situations. Sometimes I feel like he's my bestest and nearest friend. He always behaves to me like a friend.
❣ My dad is just perfect, because he holds my hand when I fall down. He always inspires me to try again and never give up. He never forced me to do anything, he just said, do what you want and whatever you like, I'll be happy! He also scolds me sometimes when I do mischievous activities but still.. I know it's for my own will. Dad, I'll surely make you proud of myself some day!
❣ I also miss him when sometimes he's out of station, like, he was in Army, so he was not at home for 6-6 months. He was performing his duty. But still.. I'm happy now as he's with me and we spend a lot of time together. He also encourages me in performing national duties. Beware, this guy is protected by an army dad.
❥ So, now I would like to dedicate a beautiful poem to my Army Dad....♥♡♥
❣My dad is in Army
He's often far away
In places which make us apart
But still he has to stay.
❣We really miss you daddy,
When you are not at home
But still I love you very much
As you are helping people alone.
❣We know that day is gonna come
When daddy will not be home
This scares me to near to death when thinking,
We will be alone.
❣My father is in Army
And often goes away
And I'm very much proud of him
Each and every day.
❣Plz come to home daddy,
When your job is done.
I know those people need you,
But they are not only the ones.
♡ Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You make me proud by
Just doing the job you do.♡
♥ Daddy, you are.....
❥As smart as a Iron-man,
❥As strong as Thor,
❥As brave as Batman,
❥As fast as Spider Man,
❥You are my Superhero!
❦ You are my everything and
you mean the world to me ❦
At last I would just say that we can't describe the bonding between a father and his child. Their love is eternal...❣❣❣
Love you PAPA ❦
✪ Be Brainly ✪

Hey there(*_*)^_^ Here ur ans Thx to ask this question to show my love towards♡♡♡♡♡ I CAN'T DESCRIBE MY DAD IN WORDS my dad is not only my dad he is also my friend friendship is very important in ur life because if friendship are there,then only happiness also be there.......................... i just typing u a small friendship poem which i wrote long-long ago............... from that u could understand Friendship is so gentle...❤️ Friendship always cares or shares.❤️ Friendship is forgiving...❤️ True friendship only cares...❤️ From this we can clearly understand that without friendship we would have not able to live.friendship is very most important in our life. without dad we would not able to live. we would not able to grow we would able to see another god my dad helps me in all my situations........... try to understand that friends are very important in all our lives.so dad also very important person in our life............ '' A FRIEND NEED A FRIEND IN DEED.''❤️ .......................................................................................................................... about father/dad Father plays an important role in his children's life. Father is a best roll model of his children's. If we ask anything's to him,he will surely give us. He is not only dad,but he is also a best friend to us. Father is the best person in our life. He is working for his children's to keep happy.. Etc.... So many points about him i know yar. But the day to write not enough. But i can tell u one thing What's means If ur father asked any help Plz do for him Its a real happy for ur father...♡ ......................................................................................................................... a short poem on my dad which i thinking and writing now!!!!! when i was born u feel happy ♡ when i am sleeping u care me a lot ♡ when i going to school u crying on me ♡ when i return from my school u give big hug to me ♡ when i feel sad on something u make me smile ♡ when i feel sick u feel sad ♡ when i ask u something u buy that for me ♡ U ARE MY BEST FRIEND IN THIS WORLD I AM LUCKY CHILD TO GET U AS MY FATHER OUR FRIENDSHIP DOES NOT END AT ANY TIME!!!!!!!!! hope this helps u LOVE U A LOT!!!!!!!!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ it took more time to write about my dad but this is small because i already told that there is no end............. and i didnt feel why i wasted this much time because i wrote about my best friend who is my "DAD" DAD/FATHER=Friend+hero+inspiration+carer+teacher+mentor ♡♡♡♡