) We experience the alchemy of nature.
(Rewrite using ‘Present Perfect Tense’)
(a) We have experienced the alchemy of nature.
(b) We experienced the alchemy of nature.
(c) We had experienced the alchemy of nature.
(d) We have experience the alchemy of nature.
2q4gqh15jqthange the following sentence into indirect narration: (2)
"What is the matter?" asked her husband.Complete the following word chain of nouns:
Village, Use appropriate modal auxiliary:
(a) I am capable of solving the problem
(b) It is necessary to do very hard work to succeedUse appropriate modal auxiliary:
(a) I am capable of solving the problem
(b) It is necessary to do very hard work to succeedComplete the following word chain of nouns:
Village, Form two past participles after doubling the last letter of the main
word.Identify the type of sentence: (5)
The tourists were accommodated in the homes of the villagerPunctuate the following sentence:
we entrusted the project to the forest departmentThey had to give their income to the Turtle Protection to help the turtles.613095https://www.facebook.com/stories/1572958632786372/UzpfSVNDOjk0MzgyNzczNjUwMzY1OA==/?view_single=1&source=shared_permalink
Simplified, the aims of the alchemists were threefold: to find the Stone of Knowledge (The Philosophers' Stone), to discover the medium of Eternal Youth and Health, and to discover the transmutation of metals