we know that sound is a form of energy so the large amount of energy produced due to the sound pollution is Cosmopolitan cities can be used for day to day needs of energy it also helps to protect Biodiversity in urban areas do you agree with this statement collect information on this and write a report
1. Collect the information about the life history of John Shore who invented tuning fork?
Collect the related photographs.
What are the scientific inventions of Archimedes? Collect brief information about them.
2. Collect the information about the life history of Henry Rudolf Hertz who identified the
existence of electro magnetic wave? Collect the related photographs.
What are the scientific inventions of Archimedes? Collect brief information about them.
3. What is SONAR? How can we measure the depth of an ocean or sea by using SONAR
principle? Who invented SONAR? Collect the related information. Is it useful for Submarines?
4. How can Ultra Sound Scanning machines work? Collect the information and photo graphs
related to Ultra Sound Scanners. Prepare a report.
5. Collect the information about animals which communicate through Infrasonics or Ultrasonics.
Collect their pictures and write a report on their communication technique.
6. “We know that the sound is a form of energy. So the large amount of energy produced due to
the sound pollution in cosmopolitan cities can be used to our day to day needs of energy.