Websites are hosted on a server and each of these servers has its own unique IP address. What does the 'IP' stand for?
Internet Position
Internet Placement
Internet Privatisation
Internet Protocol
D) Internet protocol
Internet protocol
IP stands for Internet protocol.
Correct answer: (D) Internet protocol
=> Websites are hosted on a server and each of these servers has its own unique IP address. In this IP stands for internet protocol.
1) Internet position: This is not the popular concept. But it is mainly used in the ISP services. Towers which we see in our city are working on internet position. Because of internet position, Mobile phones get the network speed.
2) Internet placement: In short, If we turn on Airplane mode, then our Mobile IP is changed. because of this, Internet placement is done. This process is done when we Power off our phone.
3) Internet Privatization: In simple term, we can say that, If we change our DNS server, then Internet Privatization starts working. When we are private on internet, by using VPN, then we are Internet Privatization.
4) Internet protocol: This is one of the most important thing for all websites and internet users. User which has internet connection on his device has IP address. In simple language, Device connected with internet has provided a specific IP. Website also has their own IP. And because of which, we can access internet.