what advice will you like to give to those people who go to Dhami jhakari instead of going to health post?
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing
and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1978). Every state
of this globe has an objective to be in such position and Nepal is also trying
its best for the same.
Each individual is concerned to their health. In every kind of society,
people show deep interest in their health. Health is a unified state of human,
which is integrated with other human and their biotic and abiotic component
of the environment. Health care is basic need, basic human right and every
body's responsibility.
Health is one of the most important and fundamental need of human
life. There is no importance of life without good health. Unhealthy person is
a burden or an obstacle for the upliftment of the country. In this context
population should get rid of disease and should be able to live a healthy life.
Healthy people are the foundation of development and betterment for
Studies in this widely accepted treatment system are inevitable
because of its contribution for the improvement of the health status of
millions of people. Innovation and the advancement in the field of modern
medicine have brought drastic changes in the health status of people but it is
not applicable for majority of poor people and for those who dwell in ruraland remote areas. Most of the modern health centers and hospitals exist; all
are located in urban centers. In such, situation the majority of people is
deprived of getting benefit from existing modern health facilities. The use of
modern medicine seems almost impossible for them so they are still
competed to knock the door of indigenous/ traditional healers like Dhami-
Jhakri, Sudeni, Baidhya and other herbal practioner found in their
community or societies throughout the country.
Nepal is still practicing traditional type of treatment like aayurbedic,
shamanistic, Lamaism, astronomy (Graha herne), worshiping and other
super natural feeling and practices. Until this time these are influencing
health services even in town areas. However use of modern medicine in
many rules places is relatively new and unrecognized in comparison to the
traditional methods.
Traditional healing in Nepal includes a wide variety of practices
carried out by Jaributi wala or Vaidya (herbalist) , Sudeni (birth attendants),
Dhami-jhadri, Janne Manchhe, Faith healers and diviners depending their
own word view (subedi 2007). Tremendous ethnic diversity contributes to
further variability in healing practices. Moreover many indigenous Nepali
healers combine modern health care technologies with traditional practices,
making the modifier "traditional" somewhat in appropriate. Because of the
heterogeneity and fluidity of indigenous health care in Nepal, one must
carefully avoid over generalization. In formation of Nepal's rich heritage of
indigenous health care can be drawn primarily from ethnographic studies of
healers in particular communities (ibid 2004). Traditional medicine has been
widely practiced in Nepal from time immemorial. The varying systems oftraditional medicine provide wide range of preventive, promotive, curative
and rehabilitative services (Ministry of Health 1999).
This study attempts to analyze healing practice of Chhatara VDC of
Bajura district in the present changing context.
go to health post instead of dhami bhakti. that's it. it will be my advice.