English, asked by guzshhjhzhahjahzj, 1 year ago

What are 3 AM challenges?


Answered by mayanksr28


Hii Dude


I know that you are asking about the spirits or the devils games like B. Mary, Blue Baby Son, The Elevator Game or Charlie Charlie.....

So, as a Paranormal Investigator I'll suggest you not to play this type of games as they can harm you property and even you also...

I myth is that at 3 A.M Lord Jesus Christ passed away and all the spirits got their freedom to destroy the world as when Jesus Christ was alive he used to keep the evil under his control as He was the Lord......

Therefore many people believe that there are more chances to get contact with spirits at 3 AM be'cuz at that time spirits are alive......

There are many games to get contact with evils like

B. Mary

Blue Baby Son

Ouija Board Game

Charlie Charlie


So these are referred as 3 A.M Challenge game as they are mainly played at 3 A.M...

So as a Paranormal Investigator I will Prefer you that Don't Play This Type Of Games that can take anyone life easily as no one knows that whom you gonna communicate it may be a evil or a good soul.....

I Hope You Got Your Answer...

Take Care Of Yourself And Your Family Members

That's All

See Ya Soon


Mayank Singh (Paranormal And Spiritual Science Investigating Society India )

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