What are advantages and disadvantages of topologies?
It is easy to set up, handle, and implement.
It costs very less.
It is not easy to isolate faults in the network nodes.
It is suitable for networks with low traffic. High traffic increases load on the bus, and the network efficiency drops.
The cable length is limited. This limits the number of network nodes that can be connected.
This network topology can perform well only for a limited number of nodes. When the number of devices connected to the bus increases, the efficiency decreases.
It is heavily dependent on the central bus. A fault in the bus leads to network failure.
Each device on the network "sees" all the data being transmitted, thus posing a security risk.
● In star topology ,
• new the local local computers fails or breaks transmission system of the network is unaffected .
• transmission delay between the two terminals do not increase by adding a new terminal .
● In ring topology ,
• all the data flows in only one direction at a very high speed
● In complete topology ,
• fastest way to transfer data between two computers.
• if any computer breakdown communication takes place via other mode.
● In bus topology ,
• failure of one computer within the network does not affect the networking system .
• it is easier to connect a new computer to the network .
● In star topology ,
• entire system depends upon the host computer if transmission of host computer fails the entire network fails.
● In ring topology ,
• addition of new terminal in the network delays communication.
● In complete topology ,
• it is very expensive and gets more expensive when the terminals and points are interconnected more.
● In bus topology ,
• the communication line fails the entire system stops working.