Biology, asked by BrainyBoy95, 10 months ago

What are ‘Annelida’?


Answered by ompatange


body is segmented triploblastic germ layer is present bilateral symmetical body segment are metamare

Answered by Nereida

Answer :

Annelida -

  • They are aquatic or terrestrial animal.
  • They are free living.
  • They may be parasitic sometimes.
  • They have organ system level of body organisation.
  • They are bilaterally symmetrical.
  • They are tripoblastic.
  • They are metamerically segmented.
  • They are ceolomate.
  • They poses longitudinal and circular muscles which help in locomotion.
  • The Marine annelids poses lateral appendages called parapodia which help them in swimming.
  • They have closed circulatory system.
  • The nephridia help in osmoregulation and excretion.
  • The neural system of annelids include paired ganglia.
  • These are connected to lateral nerves to a double ventral nerve cord.
  • They are dioceious or monoceious.
  • They reproduce sexually.
  • Ex : Pheretima, Nereis, etc.
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