What are complements? Why are they used? Compare 1's and 2's complement?
complements is a technique to encode a symmetric range of positive and negative integers in a way that they can use the same algorithm (hardware) for addition throughout the whole range. For a given number of places half of the possible representations of numbers encode the positive numbers, the other half represents their respective additive inverses. The pairs of mutually additive inverse numbers are called complements.
1. The main difference between 1′ s complement and 2′ s complement is that 1′ s complement has two representations of 0 (zero) – 00000000, which is positive zero (+0) and 11111111, which is negative zero (-0); whereas in 2′ s complement, there is only one representation for zero – 00000000 (+0) because if we add 1 to 11111111 (-1), we get 00000000 (+0) which is the same as positive zero.
2. Another difference is that while adding numbers using 1′ s complement, we first do binary addition, then add in an end-around carry value. But, 2′ s complement has only one value for zero, and doesn’t require carry values.