English, asked by deepika1046, 6 months ago

what are demonstrated adjectives?? and what are possessive adjective?? and adjective of quantity??and what are inogrrogative adjective ?? and adjective of number?????????​


Answered by samruddhip2026


1. Descriptive

A descriptive adjective is probably what you think of when you hear the word “adjective.” Descriptive adjectives are used to describe nouns and pronouns.

Words like beautiful, cute, silly, tall, annoying, loud and nice are all descriptive adjectives. These adjectives add information and qualities to the words they’re modifying. You can find a list of the 25 most commonly used adjectives at the English Club.

2. Quantitative

Quantitative adjectives describe the quantity of something.

In other words, they answer the question “how much?” or “how many?” Numbers like one and thirty are this type of adjective. So are more general words like many, half and a lot.

3. Demonstrative

A demonstrative adjective describes “which” noun or pronoun you’re referring to. These adjectives include the words:

This — Used to refer to a singular noun close to you.

That — Used to refer to a singular noun far from you.

These — Used to refer to a plural noun close to you.

Those — Used to refer to a plural noun far from you.

Demonstrative adjectives always come before the word they’re modifying.

Sometimes, like when you’re responding to a question, you can leave off the noun being described and only use the adjective. For example, if someone asks you how many cakes you want to buy you can respond: “I want to buy two cakes,” or you can just say: “I want to buy two.”

4. Possessive

Possessive adjectives show possession. They describe to whom a thing belongs. Some of the most common possessive adjectives include:

My — Belonging to me

His — Belonging to him

Her — Belonging to her

Their — Belonging to them

Your — Belonging to you

Our — Belonging to us

All these adjectives, except the word his, can only be used before a noun. You can’t just say “That’s my,” you have to say “That’s my pen.” When you want to leave off the noun or pronoun being modified, use these possessive adjectives instead:

5. Interrogative

Interrogative adjectives interrogate, meaning that they ask a question. These adjectives are always followed by a noun or a pronoun, and are used to form questions. The interrogative adjectives are:

Which — Asks to make a choice between options.

What — Asks to make a choice (in general).

Whose — Asks who something belongs to.

Other question words, like “who” or “how,” aren’t adjectives since they don’t modify nouns. For example, you can say “whose coat is this?” but you can’t say “who coat?”

Which, what and whose are only considered adjectives if they’re immediately followed by a noun. The word which is an adjective in this sentence: “Which color is your favorite?” But not in this one: “Which is your favorite color?”

6. Distributive

Distributive adjectives describe specific members out of a group. These adjectives are used to single out one or more individual items or people. Some of the most common distributive adjectives include:

Each — Every single one of a group (used to speak about group members individually).

Every — Every single one of a group (used to make generalizations).

Either — One between a choice of two.

Neither — Not one or the other between a choice of two.

Any — One or some things out of any number of choices. This is also used when the choice is irrelevant, like: “it doesn’t matter, I’ll take any of them.”

These adjectives are always followed by the noun or pronoun they’re modifying.

7. Articles

There are only three articles in the English language: a, an and the. Articles can be difficult for English learners to use correctly because many languages don’t have them (or don’t use them in the same way).

Although articles are their own part of speech, they’re technically also adjectives! Articles are used to describe which noun you’re referring to. Maybe thinking of them as adjectives will help you learn which one to use:

A — A singular, general item.

An — A singular, general item. Use this before words that start with a vowel.

The — A singular or plural, specific item.

Simply put, when you’re talking about something general, use a and an. When you’re speaking about something specific, use the. “A cat” can be used to refer to any cat in the world. “The cat” is used to refer to the cat that just walked by.

Here’s a quick tip that can sometimes help you decide which article to use: Try using a demonstrative adjective before the noun. If it makes sense, use the word the. If it changes the meaning of what you’re trying to say, use a or an.

For example, if it makes sense to say “I don’t understand this question,” you can also say “I don’t understand the question.” On the other hand, it sounds strange to say “I need this tissue” because you don’t need that specific tissue. You just need “a tissue.”

Answered by geetika14960


An adjective describes or modifies noun/s and pronoun/s in a sentence. It normally indicates quality, size, shape, duration, feelings, contents, and more about a noun or pronoun.  Adjectives usually provide relevant information about the nouns/pronouns they modify/describe by answering the questions: What kind? How many? Which one? How much? Adjectives enrich your writing by adding precision and originality to it.


The team has a dangerous batsman. (What kind?) dangerous

I have ten candies in my pocket. (How many?) 10

I loved that red car. (Which one?) red

I earn more money than he does. (How much?)more


A demonstrative adjective directly refers to something or someone. Demonstrative adjectives include the words: this, that, these, those.  A demonstrative pronoun works alone and does not precede a noun, but a demonstrative adjective always comes before the word it modifies.


That building is so gorgeously decorated. (‘That’ refers to a singular noun far from the speaker)

This car is mine. (‘This’ refers to a singular noun close to the speaker)


A possessive adjective indicates possession or ownership. It suggests the belongingness of something to someone/something.  Some of the most used possessive adjectives are my, his, her, our, their, your.  

All these adjectives always come before a noun. Unlike possessive pronouns, these words demand a noun after them.


My car is parked outside.

His cat is very cute.

Our job is almost done.

Her books are interesting.


We can define adjective of quantity as “Adjective of quantity indicates the amount or estimated amount of the noun or pronoun in the sentence. “Adjective which shows the quantity of nouns or pronouns is called as Adjective of Quantity”


She eats a whole apple daily.

I ate some rice today.

He has only little knowledge about this project.

He cannot spend his all money over you.

There is no milk in the glass.

All the students have passed the exam.


An interrogative adjective asks a question. An interrogative adjective must be followed by a noun or a pronoun. The interrogative adjectives are: which, what, whose. These words will not be considered as adjectives if a noun does not follow right after them. ‘Whose’ also belongs to the possessive adjective type.


Which phone do you use?

What game do you want to play?

Whose car is this?


Adjectives of number refer to things that can be counted-even if it is an indefinite amount in the sentence. These are numbers and amounts, both cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers: one, thousand, gallon, first, fifth, etc. These refer to definite amounts of things.


I have two apples.

Rina brought four oranges from the market.

You should buy nine potatos for us.

Hope this helps you.

Please mark me as brainliest.

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