What are different types of errors that occur in numerical computation?
This section will describe two types of error that are common in numerical calcula- tions: roundoff and truncation error. Roundoff error is due to the fact that floating point numbers are represented by finite precision. Truncation error occurs when we make a discrete approximation to a continuous functio.
1. Rounding Off
The round-off error is used because representing every number as a real number isn't possible. So rounding is introduced to adjust for this situation.
2.Truncation Error
A truncation error occurs when approximation is involved in numerical analysis.
3.Discretization Error
Discretization involves converting or partitioning variables or continuous attributes to nominal attributes, intervals and variables. As a type of truncation error, the discretization error focuses on how much a discrete math problem is not consistent with a continuous math problem.
4.Numerical Stability
If an error stays at one point in an algorithm and doesn't aggregate further as the calculation continues, then it's considered a numerically stable error. This happens when the error causes only a very small variation in the formula result. If the opposite occurs and the error propagates bigger as the calculation continues, then it is considered numerically unstable.