What are fossils?what do they tell us about the process of evolution?
By studying the fossil record we can tell how long life has existed on Earth, and how different plants and animals are related to each other. Often we can work out how and where they lived, and use this information to find out about ancient environments. Fossils can tell us a lot about the past.
Fossil is a dead organism who buried inside a soil due to some natural calamities thousand or many year ago..
In dead organism there is presence of carbon isotope.. generally two carbon isection .C-12 and C-14 are found...so by carbon dating method..scientists calculate the ration of C-12 or C-14.. and done theie calculation..further which help scientists to calculate the time period in which this organism was found...this help scientists in evolution study..means scientists find out characterise of organism.. and trying to established evolutionary relationship.. with other organism foe their study