What are 'homologous organs? What is the significance of homologous organs in the
process of evolution ?
Homologous organs are defined as the organs of different animals that are having a similar structure but differ in their functions. The structure of the two different animals resemble but the functions of their organs vary.
The presence of homologous and analogous organs helps in evolutionary studies and tracing the ancistory of a fossil. The presence of homologous organs suggests that the organims is closely related to that species and shares a common ancestory.
Homologous organs are defined as the organs of different animals that are having a similar structure but differ in their functions. The structure of the two different animals resemble but the functions of their organs vary.
They are similar in structure, it means that they must have a common origin . This tells us that long ago they have evolved from a same ancestor and due to speciation and evolution they have become different species. Therefore homologues organ gives us the evidence of evolution.