English, asked by abhisreedhar546, 9 months ago

What are “homonyms” and “homophones”? Explain with suitable examples.​


Answered by Anonymous


These include: Homographs (literally "same writing") are usually defined as words that share the same spelling, regardless of how they are pronounced. If they are pronounced the same then they are also homophones (and homonyms) – for example, bark (the sound of a dog) and bark (the skin of a tree).

Answered by Anonymous


What are “homonyms” and “homophones”? Explain with suitable examples.

If they are pronounced the same then they are also homophones (and homonyms) – for example, bark (the sound of a dog) and bark (the skin of a tree). ... Homophones (literally "same sound") are usually defined as words that share the same pronunciation, regardless of how they are spelled

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