Biology, asked by jyoti522, 8 months ago

What are littoral, limnetic and profundal zones?​


Answered by sk181231


Some other common inhabitants of the littoral zone are cattails, reeds, crawfish, snails, insects, zooplankton, and small fish. The Limnetic Zone is generally classified as the open water area of the lake or pond. ... Below the euphotic zone is the Profundal Zone or Hypolimnion (cold water region).

Answered by Anonymous

As according to the need or as per deepness of lake, in simple words as according to the need of light. Zones are divided into three types:-

Littoral Zone:- In very shallow water or marshy land this type of zone is found. In these type of zones rooted vegetation is present.

Limnetic zone:- In this type of zones light reaches to the entire surface. So we can say that this is not too deep. In this region different types of floating plants like phytoplanktons are suspended & in this also submerged plants are available as well.

Profundal zone:- This is the deepest area of the lake where light even does not reach up to the bottom. Survival of heterotrophs is only possible in this type of zones.

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