Political Science, asked by kritu88, 10 months ago

what are measures for removal of the problems faced by the indegenous people
5 marks answer​

Anonymous: ___k off


Answered by piyushy002


Rapid growth of population in an overpopulated country

Low level of productivity in agriculture and industry

Large inequalities in the ownership of earning assets such as land

Large scale unemployment and under-employment.

Inequality of opportunity in acquiring education and skills.

Major Government measures for poverty alleviation are.

From 1950–1980

1. Five year plans, Land Reforms, Green revolution and Operation Flood.

Performance- partial success. It reduced poverty from 65% in 1950 to 35% in 1980.

Post 1980’s -

LPG(Liberalisation,Privatisation and Globalisation in 1991) reforms.

It opened up India’s economy to world and industries were deregulated.

It brought in huge Foreign Direct Investment and boosted our Export, leading to more employment and growth.

MGNREGA- It aims at enhancing livelihood security of households in rural areas of the country by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment.

Food security act 2013- Aims to provide subsidized food grains to 2/3rd population of India.


kritu88: thnx buddy
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