Chemistry, asked by 9350952142, 1 year ago

what are metalic charcters and non mettalic charcters


Answered by rishitverma00
Metallic character simply refers to the tendency of giving away the electrons and thus acting as reducing agent while non metallic is just opposite of the same fact and hence oxidizing agent.

In a modern periodic table,

Metalic Oxide:

Along a period the number of electrons increases, but enter the same shell, and also number of protons increaes, so the force of attration between the electrons and the protons increases as a result the size of the atom decreases. Therefore, the effect of the protons on the electorns keeps on icresing along a period, so the atom 's tendency to lose electrons decreases, subsequently, the metallic nature also decreaes, therefore as we move along the period, the basicity of the metallic oxides also decreses, as because more is the metallic nature more reactive will be its oxide.

Along a group the size of the atom increase, so the effect of the proton on electron decrease, so the tendency of the atom to lose electrons also increases.Therefore, along the group the metallic properties increases, so the basicityof the oxides also increases.

Non Metallic Properties:

Non metallic properties are expresses in term of their electro negativity.

The property of an atom to attract the shared electrons in a covalent bond towards itself is called electro negativity. Along a group the electro negativity increases, and hence non- metallic properties increases, so its acidity of the oxides will keep on increasing.

Along a period the electro negativity decreases, so non metallic nature will also decrease.The acidity of its oxides will keep on decrasing as we go downwards.

9350952142: pls tell only about 3 marks
Answered by Kanikashah
Metallic character describes the set of chemical properties that are associated with the elements classified as metals in the periodic table. Metallic character depends on the ability of an element to lose its outer valence electrons.
The elements which have a tendency to gain electrons and form negative ion are said to exhibit non-metallic character. It depends on atomic size nuclear charge.The force of attraction increases when atomic size decreases so elements become more non-metallic in nature the tendency to gain electrons increases when nuclear charge increases so elements become more non-metallic in nature.
Going down a group metallic character of elements increases.Conversely non metallic character decreases. Explanation:As we move down a group atomic size increases.As a result the force of attraction between nucleus valence electron decreases.Hence the tendency to lose electrons to form positive ions increases hence mtallic character increases.
The non-metallic character of an element increases going left to right in a period because the element has less tendency to lose electrons and more tendency to gain them in a reaction.

Hope it helps !!!
Plz mark as brainliest !!!

9350952142: tell me about 3 mark
9350952142: only
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