Science, asked by vinodmalge97, 7 months ago

What are Properties of Material? NCERT Science Class 6
Lustre – materials can be grouped on the basis of lustre and dullness possessed by them. ...
Hard/Softness– soft materials can easily be compressed or scratched. ...
Transparency– ...
State– objects are made of matter and matter exist in three states- ...


Answered by badhekariddhima15



NCERT Science Class 6 – Properties of Material – A material is any substance or mixture of substances that occupy a volume and has a mass. A substance usually refers to the pure compound. Appearance, behavior, name, structure, color, order, composition and any information about a substance are properties of a material.

In our day to day life, we use so many objects that are made of different material. Some objects are made of more than one material like soaps. Some objects can be made from different materials like plastic while different objects can be made from the same material as table and chair made of wood.

Importance of grouping

Objects are differentiated on the basis of its nature like shapes, properties, and material. Grouping objects on the basis of its properties make studies convenient. It can be grouped on the basis of similarities or differences.

Common properties that are used to group the objects are as follows

1) Lustre – materials can be grouped on the basis of lustre and dullness possessed by them. Lustrous materials are shiny while non-lustrous materials are dull. Example- lustrous materials are like gold, silver etc. and non – lustrous materials are like wood, plastic etc.

2) Hard/Softness– soft materials can easily be compressed or scratched. For example, cotton. Those materials are not easy to compress are hard materials like iron.

3) Transparency–

a) Transparent materials – those materials through which light can be passed completely. It is easy to see through them like glass.

b) Opaque materials– those materials through which light cannot be passed completely. You cannot see through them like wood, cardboard etc.

c) Translucent materials – those materials through which light can be passed partially. It is partially opaque and transparent like frosted glass.

4) State– objects are made of matter and matter exist in three states-

a) Solid state– all solid substance have solid states. Solids have a definite shape and volume. Such materials cannot be compressed. Particles in solid are closely packed and it cannot flow.

b) Liquid state– all liquid substance have liquid states. Liquids do not have a definite shape but it can take the shape of the container. It has a definite volume. Such materials can be compressed to some extent.

c) Gaseous State-all gaseous substance has a gaseous state. Such substance does not have definite shape and volume. They are highly compressible and particles in it are closely packed.

5) Soluble/Insoluble-

Answered by shristirsvm


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